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Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Tips Bila Terlanjur Berbuat Salah

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita tentu berusaha untuk tidak melakukan kesalahan. Apalagi kesalahan yang sampai menyakiti hati orang-orang terdekat. Akan tetapi, sebagai manusia, tak jarang kita masih juga terpeleset melakukannya. Berikut ini tips bila kita terlanjur berbuat salah : 1.Segeralah meminta maaf. Jangan ditunda, karena menunda permintaan maaf bisa memperparah keadan. 2.Segeralah melakukan penilaian jujur dan jernih, mengapa peristiwa itu dapat terjadi. 3.Jika suasana masih panas, jangan melakukan tindakan apa pun! Bukan tidak mungkin tindakan yang tujuannya untuk mendinginkan suasana justru berakibat sebaliknya. 4.Jangan terlalu gundah. Biarpun bersalah, Anda sudah meminta maaf. Sering kali kesalahan di dunia tidak berdiri sendiri. Kesalahan bisa merupakan bagian dari rangkaian peristiwa lain. 5.Setelah suasana membalik dan dingin, datangi orang yang Anda lukai hatinya. Sekali lagi meminta maaf, dan lanjutkan dengan mendiskusikan masalah itu dengan kepala dingin dan hati tulus. Tujuannya, perselisihan itu tidak terulang. 6.Kembali melakukan evaluasi dan introspeksi diri. Canangkan niat untuk lebih berhati-hati di waktu mendatang.

Puisi – Berjalan ke Barat Waktu Pagi Hari

Karya Sapardi Djoko Damono

Waktu aku berjalan ke barat di waktu pagi
matahari mengikuti dari belakang
aku berjalan mengikuti bayang-bayangku
yang memanjang di depan
aku dan matahari tidak bertengkar
tentang siapa di antara kami yang telah
menciptakan bayang-bayang
aku dan bayang-bayang tidak bertengkar
tentang siapa di antara kami yang harus
berjalan di depan

Pantun Jenaka

Naik ke bukit beli lada
Lada sebiji dibelah tujuh
Apa sakitnya berbini janda
Anak tiri boleh disuruh
Ikan seriding menyeriding
Tiba di tulang enak juga
Elok berbini orang sumbing
Meski marah ketawa juga
Bunga langsat bunga inanga
Bunga mainan Paduka Malin
Orang miskin baru kaya
Bagai si buntung baru bercincin
Heran sungguh zaman sekarang
Anak sudah tak kenal ibu
Cekur jerangau belum hilang
Hajatnya hendak berbini dahulu

Pantun Nasihat

Soleran,… Soleram
Soleram… anak yang manis
Anak manis, janganlah dicium, sayang
Kalau dicium, merahlah pipinya
Tanjung Perak di Surabaya
Naik kapal ke Bukittinggi
Kalau aku jadi orang kaya, sayang
Banyaklah amal dan rendah hati
Pesawat Sukhoi terbang tinggi
Makan rending di kota Padang
Kalau engkau jadi selebriti, sayang
Jangan bergosip agar hidup tenang
Pagar kawat pagar berduri
Jangan dipanjat bikin sengsara
Kalau kita bebas korupsi, sayang
Rakyatkan makmur dan sejahtera

Puisi – Jawaban dari Pos Terdepan

Karya Taufiq Ismail

(Kepada komandan lawan, setelah yang terakhir ini meminta
supaya pos diserahkan atau ditinggalkan).
Kami telah menerima surat Saudara
Dan sangat paham akan isinya
Tetapi tentang pasal penyerahan
Itu adalah suatu penghinaan

Konvoi sejam lamanya menderu
Di kota, api kavaleri
Di rantai-rantai dan aspal
Angina meniup dalam panas dan abu
Abu baja, nyala menggeletar-geletar
Sepanjang suara

Kami yang bertahan di sini
Beberapa ratus meter jauhnya
Bukanlah serdadu-serdadu bayaran
Atau terpaksa berperang karena pemerintahan
Kebebasan manusia di atas buminya
Adalah penyebab hadir pasukan ini
Dan pasukan-pasukan lainnya
Impian akan harga kemerdekaan manusia

Mengumpulkan seorang tukang cukur, penanam-penanam sayur
Gembala-gembala, (semuanya buta huruf) kecuali dua anak SMT
dalam pasukan
di pos terdepan
Terik dan lengang di lading tak bertuan
Abu pelahan naik dari bumi
Bumi yang telah diungsikan
Guruh dari jauh, konvoi menderu
Suara penser dan tank-tank kecil
Mengacukan senjata-senjata baru.
Kami tidak punya battalion paratroop
Cadangan sulfa, apalagi Mustang dan lapis baja
Kami hanya memiliki karaben-karaben tua
Bukan bambu pedesaan, ujungnya diruncingkan
Pasukan ini tak berbicara dalam bahasa akademi militer
Tidak juga memiliki pengalaman perang dunia
Tetapi untuk kecintaan akan kebebasan manusia
Di atas buminya
Pasukan ini sudah menetapkan harganya

Sebentar lagi malam pun akan turun
Membawa kesepian ajal dalam gurun
Tidakkah engkau bisa menempatkan diri
sebentar, di tempat kami
Memikirkan bahwa ibumu tua diungsikan
Tersaruk-saruk berjalan kaki

Setelah rumah-rumah dikepung dibakari
setelah adik kandungmu ditembak mati?
Di seberang sini berjaga pengawalan
Tanpa gardu dan kemah, berbaju lusuh dalam semak
Dialah yang terdepan dengan sepucuk Lee & Field
Dialah huruf pertama dari republic

Puisi – Surat dari Ibu

Karya Asrul Sani

Pergi ke dunia luas, anakku sayang
pergi ke hidup bebas
Selama angina masih angina buritan
dan matahari pagi masih menyinar daun-daunan
dalam rimba dan padang hijau
Pergi ke laut lepas, anakku sayang
pergi ke alam bebas!
Selama hari belum petang
dan warna senja belum kemerah-merahan
menutup pintu waktu lampau.
Jika baying telah pudar
dan elang laut pulang ke sarang
angin bertiup ke benua
Tiang-tiang akan kering sendiri
dan nakhoda sudah tahu pedoman
Boleh engkau datang padaku
Kembali pulang, anakku sayang
Kembali ke balik malam!
Jika kapalmu telah rapat ke tepi
Kita kan bercerita
“Tentang cinta dan hidupmu pagi hari”.

Puisi – Gugur

Karya W.S. Rendra

Ia merangkak
di atas bumi yang dicintainya
Tiada kuasa lagi menegak
Telah ia lepaskan dengan gemilang
pelor terakhir dari bedilnya
ke dada musuh yang merebut kotanya

Ia merangkak
di atas bumi yang dicintainya
Ia sudah tua
luka-luka di badannya

Bagai harimau tua
susah payah maut menjeratnya
Matanya sudah saga
menatap musuh pergi dari kotanya

Sesudah pertempuran yang gemilang itu
lima pemuda mengangkatnya
di antaranya anaknya
ia menolak
dan tetap merangkak
menuju kota kesayangannya

Ia merangkak
di atas bumi yang dicintainya
Belum lagi selusin tindak
maut pun menghadangnya
Ketika anaknya memegang tangannya
ia berkata:

“Yang berasal dari tanah
kembali rebah pada tanah”

Tanah Ambarawa yang kucinta
Kita bukanlah anak jadah
karena kita punya bumi kecintaan

Bumi yang menyusui kita
dengan mata airnya
Bumi kita adalah tempat pautan yang sah
Bumi kita adalah kehormatan
Bumi kita adalah jiwa dari jiwa

ia adalah bumi nenek moyang
ia adalah bumi waris yang sekarang
ia adalah bumi waris yang akan datang

Hari pun berangkat malam
Bumi berpeluh dan terbakar
Karena api menyala di Kota Ambarawa

Orang tua itu kembali berkata
“Lihatlah hari telah fajar!”
Wahai bumi yang indah
Kita akan berpelukan buat selamanya

Nanti sekali waktu
seorang cucuku
akan menancapkan bajak
di bumi tempatku berkubur
kemudian akan ditanamkannya benih
dan tumbuh dengan subur

Maka ia pun akan berkata
Alangkah gemburnya tanah di sini
Hari pun lengkap malam
Ketika ia menutup matanya

Lirik Lagu Cokelat – Bendera

Biar saja ku tak sehebat matahari
Tapi slalu kucoba tuk menghangatkanmu
Biar saja ku tak setegar batu karang
Tapi slalu kucoba tuk melindungimu
Biar saja ku tak seharum bunga mawar
Tapi slalu kucoba tuk mengharumkanmu
Biar saja ku tak seelok langit sore
Tapi slalu kucoba tuk mengindahkanmu
Kupertahankan demi kehormatan bangsa
Kupertahankan demi tumpah darah
Semua pahlawan-pahlawanku
Reff : Merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
Di ujung tiang tertinggi
Di Indonesiaku ini
Merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
Di ujung tiang tertinggi
Di Indonesiaku ini
Merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
Ku akan slalu menjagamu

Example Complaint

Jln. Cipedes Selatan
Bandung 40161

December 2, 2002

The Manager
PT. Dian Taxi

Dear Sir,

I’d like to complain of your service to me as a customer. I think it is very important for your benefit.
Last Friday, November, 27, I took your taxi to go to my relative. I was very disappointed in the driver’s behaviour. He did not use argometer. He charged me more than the normal fare. When I complained he spoke so rudely that I felt ashamed. Fortunately, my relative helped me pay the charge.
I hope this will attract your attention and made sure that it will not happen anymore.

Yours sincerely


Example Sympathy Letter

Dear Joko,
I just got a call from Tina. She told me you father passed away a week ago. I’m sorry to hear such sad news. Please accept my condolences. I know it must be hard for you and your family, but time heals all wounds.
Take care of yourself, will you? And if you and your family need me for anything, just call me, okay?



Example Permission Letter

March 19, 2005

Dear Parents,

We are asking for your permission for your child to complete any surveys during this school year. We assure you that we will only use surveys that will be useful for improving our school programs. Student’s participation in the surveys in voluntary. Your child may refuse to take the survey at any time.

Your child’s responses to questions in a survey will be confidential.
Only the researchers will see individual responses. The answers from the students will be summarized, so it will be impossible to identity your child in the responses.

If you give your permission, please sign your name in the space provided on the attached form. Please return the signed Youth Surveys Permission Form. Thank you for your cooperation.



Example Invitation

July, 1st 2000
Dear Rani,
I’m just writing to let you know our new address and to invite you to our house party next Saturday. I’m sorry that I couldn’t tell you before about our new house because we have been busy moving to the house and I’ve had litlle time for doing anything else.
We moved here a week ago. We are happy to stay here because we have a lot of new neighbours. They all are friendly.
My family and I hope you and your family can come here.

All the best,


Example Advertisement


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Example Personal Letter

Jakarta, 15 June, 2005
Risa Sharmanti
Jalan Merak 9, Bandung
Jawa Barat

Dear Risa,

I’d like to thank you for the letter inviting me to see the play next week. I believe the play will be very interesting because some talented actors and actresses will play in it. However, I haven’t made up my mind about that. Now, I’m very busy preparing for my semester test. I hope you will understand. I’ll be happy if you tell me about the play later.
As soon as the test is done, I will visit you. Send my best regards to your parents.

Your sincerely,


Example Personal Letter

Manado, 31st May, 2005

Dear Rendy,
We’re having a great time here at Sequa Park. I see a lot of deer and there are not many people here. Yesterday we hiked all day, then swam in the river next to our campsite. Tomorrow we plan to rent a boat to have a cruise.
I have got close friends here. Some of them are Jeani, Bob and Winda. They always accompanied me to visit some interesting places.
I will come back to Jakarta on June 7.



Procedure Text – Homemade Fried Chicken

Ingredients :
1.Fresh and cleaned chicken, cut into pieces
2.Spices : turmeric, pepper, and garlic
4.Vegetable oil

Steps :
First, grin the spices until they are mixed and soft.
Next, put the chicken in the bowl and pour fresh water into it and then put the ground spices on it. Stir well.
Then, after they are well stirred, boil the chicken until the flesh is cooked and its color turns white.
After that, fry the chicken using vegetable oil until the color become brownish.
Finally, serve your chicken with warm rice and chili. You can also garnish it with vegetables.

Procedure Text – Pisang Penyet

My favorite snack is Pisang Penyet.
You need good sweet bananas and some palm sugar for the sauce.
First, stew the bananas.
After that, peel the bananas and flatten them.
Next, bake them,
Prepare the sauce by putting the palm sugar in palm sugar in a pan. Add some water and boil it.
Finally, put the flattened bananas on a plate and pour them with some palm sugar sauce.
Mmmmm, yummy!

Procedure Text – The Hole Game

Two players, one marble per person, a hole on the ground, a line to start from :
1.First, check whether the marbles are good or not and whether they are in the same size.
2.Then, dig a hole on the ground and draw a line in affair distance away from the hole.
3.Next, each player carefully throws his on her marble towards the hole.
4.The player whose marble in the closest to the hole tries to flick his / her marble into the hole. If successful, this player tries to flick his or her opponent’s marble into the hole. The person who can flick the both marbles (his / hers and the opponent’s) into the hole wins. He / she will keep both marbles.

Narrative Text – Snow White

Long ago, in the Neverland, there lived a very beautiful princess, Snow White. The Queen was her stepmother. She was very jealous of her beauty. So she wanted her to die.
Snow White knew about the evil plan. She escaped into a forest. There she made friends with seven dwarfs.
The queen turned into a witch. Snow White did not realize it. The witch gave her a poisoned apple. As a result, Snow White was put into sleep for years.
Fortunately, in the end, Prince Charming revived her with a kiss. They lived together happilt ever after.

Narrative Text – Cinderella

Once upon a time there was a girl called Cinderella. She lived with her stepsisters. They were very very bossy. She had to do all the housework.
One day there was a party at the palace. All were invited. Her stepsisters would not let her go with them. Cinderella was sad.
The Fairy Godmather came and helped her go to the ball. Cinderella danced with the prince. After a while, the clock stroke twelve. She left her smelly shoes and went home.
She changed her name into Cindersmella.

Narrative Text - The Frog Princes

Long ago, in a land far away a prince lived with his mother, the queen, and his father, the king. The prince was very happy little boy. He played with the other boy and girl. He went to school with them too.
When the prince was sixteen, he said to the queen and the king “Can I get married?” “Yes,” said the king, “You can get married when you meet the right girl.”
“Mother,” said the prince, “I meet the right girl today. Her name is Sally.” “Oh, no, said the king.” Where are all the princesses? There are no princesses in our land.” “No,” said the queen, “a long time ago, before you were born, a wizard turned all the little princesses into frog. Now, there are no princesses. The prince said, “But how can I change these frogs back into princesses?” “You must kiss the frog,” said the king,” That is the only way but remember although all princesses are frogs, not all frogs, not all frogs are princesses.
So the prince ran into the country side and found a lot of frogs and kissed them all, but nothing happened. Then a last, he found a frog that looked different. This frog was very beautiful and the prince was sure that this frog was a princess, So he picked up the frog and kissed it and “bang!” “Flash!” the frog turned into a beautiful princess. “Oh princess” said the prince, “will you marry me?” “Marry you? Said the princess, “Of course not! I can’t marry a prince who kisses frogs,” and then she walked away.

Report Text - Computers

Computers are machine that handle information automatically. They can perform calculations and process data. Computers can work with numbers to solve problems in a few seconds. Computers can remember a great deal of information. That is why computers are widely used in places such as banks, offices and companies.
Computers work like calculators. But most calculators can do only one thing at a time. We tell them what to do by pressing various buttons. To do the same work, we can give a series of instructions to a computer. We call this a computer program. If we set up a program, the computer can provide other information, such as a list, numbers, letters, word or even graphs or pictures. Once we provide a program, the computer can do all this work automatically without further help or instruction.
A computer stores and handles numbers. The numbers may be mathematical formulas or columns of figures. The numbers may also be codes that stand for letters of the alphabet, words or instructions to the computer.

Report Text - Fish

Fish are animals that live in water.
Fish have fins that help them to swim. Most fish have slimy skins covered with scales which are very small and can hardly be seen.
Fish breathe through gills. These look like a comb and lie on each side of the head. Fish take in water all the time. The water flows in through the mouth, over the gills, and out through the sides of the head. When a fish takes in water, it is not drinking but breathing, and the gills absorb oxygen from the water.
The body of a fish is made up of the head, the trunk, and the tail fins.
There are many different kinds of fish which have many different shapes an colors. Some fish are long and thin, while others are flat and rounded. Most fish have bodies which are broad at the trunk region and narrow towards the head and tail.

Descriptive Text - An Australian Kangaroo

A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which live on the Australian island of Tasmania an also in New Guinea.
Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long, and very strong back legs and a tail. These they use for sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos gave been known to make forward jumps of over eight metres, and leap across fences more than three metres high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometres per hour.
The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults grow to a length of 1.60 metres and weight over 90 kilos.
Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life.